Oil-Water Seperator

Oil water separatorsModel: OWS

Normally, compressors produce large amounts of condensate that is contaminated with oil. This liquid cannot be disposed untreated by law into the sewage system or the environment. SCC offers the OWS series of oil water separators that remove oil contaminants from the condensate so reliably that the water contains no more than 20 mg / l of hydrocarbons and can therefore be disposed of in the sewage system.

TWIN Concept

With our unique TWIN system you have the possibility to double or triple the quantity of treated condensate or to improve the quality of drain water. You can expand the system at any time, not only during the first installation. The separator that can work as single or double column.

Operation principal:

  • The condensate flows into the separator through a lid depressurisation chamber (LD)
  • Then condensate filters down into the separator tank (BD) through the hole in the lid (LD)
  • The prefilter (PF) and activated carbon bags (CF) purify the condensate from oil and solid particles
  • After this process, the condensate can be drained in sewers or can be treated in compliance with the national laws

Data refer to the following nominal conditions

Data refer to the following nominal conditions:

  • ambient temperature: +25°C
  • inlet air pressure: 7 bar(g)

Consider oversizing the separators if ambient temperature and humidity are higher than nominal ones. Nominal data considered for screw compressors.

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